This past week we celebrated the birth of our great nation, our independence, our freedom. Now is a great time to reflect on your tobacco use and choose to declare your freedom from it. Addiction to tobacco products keeps thousands of Hoosiers from living a healthier life. The decision to quit using tobacco products may be an obvious one for many, but it can be a difficult journey to take.
That is why it is important for those who are ready to quit to focus on their own reason for quitting. Do you want to help protect your family from secondhand smoke? Do you want to improve your health? Are your concerned about all the money you could be saving instead of buying tobacco products? There are countless reasons that people choose to help them overcome their tobacco addiction. What will your reason be for quitting?
Along with the support of loved ones and your health care provider, there is free help available through the Indiana Tobacco Quitline. Call 1-800-Quit-Now or visit when you’re ready to take the first step towards a tobacco-free life.
