The Phi Beta Psi “Styles & Salads” will be held on Tuesday, April 25th at the Orleans
Elementary School Gymnasium.
Doors will open at 5:30 for those wishing to arrive early to begin shopping. The event will begin at 6pm with dinner, followed by the style show, and more time for shopping at the end of the evening. Silent auction items can also be bid on throughout the evening.
Providing styles in this year's show will be: Barbed Bling Boutique, Big Creek Boutique, Chastain’s, CJ’s Boutique, Farmhouse Charm & Boutique, Freestyle Salon & Boutique, and Style & Grace Boutique. Not only will attendees be able to see the latest fashions during the style show, but they will also have the opportunity to shop the boutiques that present them.
The boutiques will have booths set up for shopping for their spring clothing and accessories. “Styles & Salads” is always a fun evening filled with styles, salads, shopping, and a silent auction! If you would like to attend, tickets are $12 each and can be purchased from any Theta Epsilon member or at Freestyle Salon & Boutique. Tickets are limited and must be purchased in advance.