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4-H Club Offers Pre-K Through 6th Grade Supplemental Classes

Osmo every friday

Superior STEAM is a year long youth development program through the Lawrence County Purdue 4-H Extension Office. Their goal is to inspire and teach the next generation of scientists, artists, engineers, innovators, and leaders. The club offers a wide variety of activities to expose students of all ages to science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEAM) principles.

Thanks to a grant from the Lawrence County Community Foundation, Superior STEAM will now offer supplemental learning activities in conjunction with an IU School of Education student. The free classes will be through an interactive program called Osmo.

"Osmo puts the fun in building learning fundamentals through the magic of hands-on play, tangible pieces and digital fun []!" It uses an interactive iPad app and physical pieces to help kids PreK-6th grade better their reading, comprehension, spelling, mathematics, and other skills. Parents will be able to track their student’s progress online through their student’s unique Osmo ID and email.

Every Friday night starting on Aug 18th and ending on Dec 15th, students will use the Osmo program to practice and better understand what they're learning in school. This will be taught by Haley from IU School of Education. She is going into her junior year & has taught other IU educational classes with us. Assessments will take place on Aug 18th. Parents will receive automatic progress updates from the app. The classes are free to those that register.

The classes start Aug 18th and run every Friday through December 15th. Students will be split by age: Pre-K will meet 5-6pm; 1st-3rd grade will meet 6-7pm; 4th-6th grade will meet 7-8pm. Sign up at–where you can also learn more–or scan the QR code. If you have any questions send them to

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