There are good bosses and bad bosses. And, yes, the person pushing the buttons is often pivotal to the work experience.
I toiled at the Times-Mail long before it was decimated by corporate raiders masquerading as journalists. That’s a sad story for another day.
Fortunately, I began and completed my media career with the Schurz Corporation. During that 40-year adventure I was blessed to be supervised by Ray Snapp, Debbie Turner and several other competent leaders.
I will always consider Debbie and Ray as great friends and skilled professionals with a compassionate commitment to community journalism.
That said, when I ponder legendary leaders, the first name that comes to mind is Bill Schrader. His passion for newspapers was off the charts and it was obvious in how he lived his life and strived to perfect our modest publication.
Work ethic?
Look it up in an encyclopedia and Bill appears with sleeves rolled above his elbows.
It was easy to work for a guy who arrived early, was the last to depart, and always had his door open to share a frank discussion and his wizard-like wisdom and problem-solving skills to keep the locomotive chugging in the right direction.
At times, Bill’s pace was downright dangerous to his co-workers. A speed-walker, he blazed from one department to another swiftly tackling tasks on his never-ending to-do list. Seriously, the hallways required speed limits when Bill was in the building.
One very late afternoon I spied him in the back, clad in a white shirt and tie, unloading bundles of paper from the back of a semi. He led by example.
Bill was kind, strong and loyal to his team. He always had your back.
My father, also a Bill, was regarded as a tireless worker as well. He and Mr. Schrader made my life of labor fun and keenly competitive.
In an era when folks are less likely to put in an honest day’s work, I thank heaven for my two role models. I will be forever grateful and proud of my two Bills.
Contact Bob Bridge at 812-276-9646 or
its a shame what’s happened to the printed page. Al Brewster. Covered all the sports although I can’t remember what he looked like, you, Jeff, Bill, Justin…Clark… who am I missing and I apologize.
Remember being able to see the Boys Club box scores everyday and knew what kid was winning the Little League batting crown?
That was Bill Baker and Bob, I’m sure wrote up some of those.
I don’t know how that quality of journalism could ever die.
Thanks for what all you folks did at the Times-Mail.